SENCO Lead - Mrs Rebecca Gordine
SENCO Governor  - Mr Andrew Cowell

SEND Policy 2023_2024

We try to identify children who require support early.

We offer support and interventions as soon as possible.

We regularly review and update support provided to children.


Bradwell CE Infant School is an inclusive school.  We aim to provide a caring, nurturing environment in which we encourage our children to develop and thrive, academically and socially and emotionally.

We have a friendly, supportive and positive school ethos, where every child is included, can be successful and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We are commited to providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, faith, gender or capability in all aspects of school life. We promote self and mutual repsect and a caring a non-judgemental attitude throughput the school.

The person with responsibility for SEND at Bradwell CE Infant School is Mrs Becky Gordine.

Our objectives are:

  • To identify, at the earliest possible opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with SEND
  • To ensure that every child experiences success in their learning and acheives to the highest possible standard
  • To enable all chidlren to particpate in lessons fully and effectively
  • To value and encourage the contribution of all children to the life of the school
  • To work in partnership with aprents
  • To work with the Goevrning Body to enable them to fulfil their statutory monitoring role with regard to SEND
  • To work closely with external agencies where appropriate, to support the needs of individual pupils
  • To ensure that all staff have access to training and advice to support quality teaching and learning for all pupils



SEND Information Report Feb 2024


SEND 'At a Glance' Feb 2024


SEND Parent Voice Spring Newsletter Feb 2024



SENCO Lead - Mrs Rebecca Gordine
SENCO Governor  - Mr Andrew Cowell

SEND Policy 2023_2024

We try to identify children who require support early.

We offer support and interventions as soon as possible.

We regularly review and update support provided to children.


Bradwell CE Infant School is an inclusive school.  We aim to provide a caring, nurturing environment in which we encourage our children to develop and thrive, academically and socially and emotionally.

We have a friendly, supportive and positive school ethos, where every child is included, can be successful and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We are commited to providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, faith, gender or capability in all aspects of school life. We promote self and mutual repsect and a caring a non-judgemental attitude throughput the school.

The person with responsibility for SEND at Bradwell CE Infant School is Mrs Becky Gordine.

Our objectives are:

  • To identify, at the earliest possible opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with SEND
  • To ensure that every child experiences success in their learning and acheives to the highest possible standard
  • To enable all chidlren to particpate in lessons fully and effectively
  • To value and encourage the contribution of all children to the life of the school
  • To work in partnership with aprents
  • To work with the Goevrning Body to enable them to fulfil their statutory monitoring role with regard to SEND
  • To work closely with external agencies where appropriate, to support the needs of individual pupils
  • To ensure that all staff have access to training and advice to support quality teaching and learning for all pupils



SEND Information Report Feb 2024


SEND 'At a Glance' Feb 2024


SEND Parent Voice Spring Newsletter Feb 2024



SENCO Lead - Mrs Rebecca Gordine
SENCO Governor  - Mr Andrew Cowell

SEND Policy 2023_2024

We try to identify children who require support early.

We offer support and interventions as soon as possible.

We regularly review and update support provided to children.


Bradwell CE Infant School is an inclusive school.  We aim to provide a caring, nurturing environment in which we encourage our children to develop and thrive, academically and socially and emotionally.

We have a friendly, supportive and positive school ethos, where every child is included, can be successful and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We are commited to providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, faith, gender or capability in all aspects of school life. We promote self and mutual repsect and a caring a non-judgemental attitude throughput the school.

The person with responsibility for SEND at Bradwell CE Infant School is Mrs Becky Gordine.

Our objectives are:

  • To identify, at the earliest possible opportunity, barriers to learning and participation for pupils with SEND
  • To ensure that every child experiences success in their learning and acheives to the highest possible standard
  • To enable all chidlren to particpate in lessons fully and effectively
  • To value and encourage the contribution of all children to the life of the school
  • To work in partnership with aprents
  • To work with the Goevrning Body to enable them to fulfil their statutory monitoring role with regard to SEND
  • To work closely with external agencies where appropriate, to support the needs of individual pupils
  • To ensure that all staff have access to training and advice to support quality teaching and learning for all pupils



SEND Information Report Feb 2024


SEND 'At a Glance' Feb 2024


SEND Parent Voice Spring Newsletter Feb 2024
