Curriculum Intent

At Bradwell CE Infant School we work together to develop children’s academic potential and personal qualities through child-centred learning opportunities, supporting them to become well-rounded individuals. We nuture skills, knowledge and understanding within a Christian ethos, where our values of kindness, respect and independence are prioritised. We equip children with the tools they need to develop physical health and mental wellbeing. We strive to provide opportunities for the children to explore places, cultures and experiences that they would otherwise not have access to, through trips, events and planned activities which build and develop their cultural capital.   


KS1 Subject Overview 2024-25

Bradwell CE Infant School – Curriculum Policy


We follow the National Curriculum and place a high emphasis on the teaching of the National Curriculum core subjects, English, Mathematics and Science. Alongside these we develop skills, understanding and knowledge in the following National Curriculum subjects: Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Computing, PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) and Religious Education. Much of the work is based on whole-school topics and themes, which are carefully planned to meet our children’s needs and the legal requirements of the National Curriculum.

By making full use of local resources, we provide a balanced, relevant and broad curriculum. 

The school aims to

  • Meet the needs of all children in all areas of their development
  • Create and maintain an exciting and stimulating learning environment
  • Ensure that each child's education has continuity and progression
  • Ensure that there is a match between the child and the tasks s/he is asked to perform
  • Ensure that all children experience success and celebrate it
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Recognise the crucial role which parents play in their children's education and make every effort to encourage parental involvement in the educational process
  • Treat children in a dignified way

We encourage children to

  • Be happy, cheerful and increasingly independent
  • Be enthusiastic and eager to put their best into all activities
  • Learn and be adaptable in their learning style
  • Solve problems in a variety of situations using the best strategies
  • Work independently and as members of a team
  • Develop the ability to make reasoned judgements and choices

We teach children to 

  • Follow a set of moral values, such as honesty, sincerity, and taking personal responsibility
  • Behave in a dignified and acceptable way and be responsible for their actions
  • Care for and take pride in their school
  • Develop tolerance and respect for the feelings and capabilities of others in an unbiased way
  • Develop non-sexist and non-racist attitudes
  • Be safe and happy and tell someone if they are not happy 


To view the expectations of the National Curriculum for Key Stage One, follow this link:

Subject Leaders

Mrs Gordine


Art and Design










Mrs Moss





Mrs Lucey