At Bradwell Infants, we use White Rose schemes of work for the teaching of maths, from Reception to Year 2. We are also part of the NCETM Mastering Early Number programme, focussing on the key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes and progression through KS1. We receive central training (online and face to face) and a wealth of pupil resources. The resources available provide teaching materials for four short sessions each week (in addition to our core maths lessons), aimed at developing children's fluency and flexibility with number. Our lead teacher also contributes to an online community to share practice and engage in critical reflection.
Mathematics in Reception
We use the White Rose mastery-based scheme of learning for Reception children. This scheme comes with detailed guidance notes which align with the statutory framework for EYFS 2021.
The teaching and learning materials help every child meet early learning goals, while providing rich opportunities for more able Reception age children to take their exploration of mathematics further. They help every child, regardless of background, achieve basic proficiency in number recognition, counting, spatial reasoning skills and more. Using the White Rose materials alongside the NCETM Mastering Early Number programme, we provide a broad and deep mathematics curriculum for our children in Early Years.
Mathematics in KS1
Mathematics in Year 1 and 2 is planned to enable children to develop a clear understanding of numbers, counting and calculating. Initially this will be with numbers no greater than 20, working towards confidence with numbers up to 100 or greater. Children will learn techniques to solve calculations. These will initially be addition and subtraction calculations, progressing to division and multiplication as skills develop.
We are following a scheme of work developed by the White Rose Hub, which is also being used at Bradwell Junior School. This emphasises a progression of working from concrete apparatus to visual images and then abstract representations. This methodology is intended to provide a thorough understanding of number leading to mastery of numerical concepts and relationships. So, children will be supported by counting and sorting apparatus and will gradually move to more abstract methods of mental calculation.
There is an emphasis on reasoning and problem-solving and we ask children to explain how they solve a problem, how they know it is correct, or how can they prove their answer.
In addition, children will sort, measure and estimate in a variety of role-play and real-life scenarios. Resources such as coins, rulers and timers will be used frequently in practical activities and investigations. This enables us to model and act-out situations which show how mathematics is used in the adult world.
Recent fun tasks have included measuring African animals, measuring the distance a kangaroo can jump, weighing and measuring toy dinosaurs, weighing ingredients for cooking, tessellating shapes for Islamic designs, and designing and playing board games.
Maths resources for home
The White Rose App is great for quick games and practise at home