If your child is off ill with COVID and they are fit and well, there is an expectation that they will engage with our remote learning offer. If they are unwell, then please let them get plenty of rest until they have recovered.
What are the expectations regarding remote learning?
Work uploaded by the class teacher
Class teachers will upload work onto Class Dojo for Year 1 and Year 2 and ontoTapestry for Reception children. If possible, please ask your child to cmplete this work and return it back to the teacher. Teachers will provide some brief feedback but this may not be on the day due to workload etc.
Lessons on Oak National Academy
If your child would like to complete some extra work, please access the Oak Academy website by clicking the link below.
When accessing the website, select the relevant key stage and year group. You will then be able to select a subject and then a theme / unit.
For your informarion when accessing relevant work
EYFS - Reception
Key Stage 1 - Year 1 and Year 2