School Council
The children have voted for their School Councillors. We have 4 Year 2 children and 2 Year 1 children on the school council.
Our School Council is a platform for children to voice their concerns and their ideas and for the school councillors to advocate for change and development.
The School Councillors are very much looking forward to getting together to organise events and fundraisers for the school, as well as planning school improvements.
School Council
The children have voted for their School Councillors. We have 4 Year 2 children and 2 Year 1 children on the school council.
Our School Council is a platform for children to voice their concerns and their ideas and for the school councillors to advocate for change and development.
The School Councillors are very much looking forward to getting together to organise events and fundraisers for the school, as well as planning school improvements.