
Andrew Cowell coopted governor 09/12/2025

Chair of Governors

I am a retired headteacher and independent schools inspector. I have experience of both primary and secondary education and have also worked in alternative provision for children excluded from school.
As the Chair of Governors, I look forward to working with the whole Infant school community in ensuring that our children are given the best possible start in life.
My wife and I moved to the village three years ago and we are very much enjoying our life here!  We have two children, both of whom are now living overseas.

Sherry Siddall

Foundation Governor 12/06/2024

profile coming soon ....

Emma Bartlett - Foundation ex-officio, 01/09/2026

I'm Emma and I joined the governing body September 2022, as the Foundation ex- officio governor representing St Barnabas Church.
I was a pupil at the school several years ago, and have lived in the village for 40yrs. 
I have a son who is due to start school in September.
I have worked in child care and have an interest in the learning and teaching of the future generations of Bradwell.

Dr Catherine Flitcroft - Parent governor, 01/09/2026

Profile coming soon....

Sarah Elliott 

Parent Governor 31/12/2028

I'm Sarah, I am a parent governor I have a daughter in year 2 and a daughter at Bradwell Preschool.
I have a passion for the wellbeing of our children and a keen interest in their education.
Having lived in Bradwell for 9 years it is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in the local infant school and act as a critical friend to the headteacher to support her in achieving the school's goals. 
My profession is within the healthcare sector, where I have practice as a Macmillan Lung Clinical Nurse Specialist. 

Cllr Chris Furness - LA Governor, 01/09/2024

Vice Chair of Governors

Derbyshire Dales District Councillor for Bradwell Ward. Peak District National Park Board Member.  Past pupil of this school (many years ago).  Governor of New Mills Secondary School.
Director of Bradwell Community Land Trust.
MSc Oxford, MA Sheffield.

Mrs J Moss - staff governor, 01/09/2024

I’m Julie Moss and I am Staff Governor. I am a Class Teacher at Bradwell Infant School and have worked here since 2012. I mainly teach Year 1 and 2.  In school I am the teacher responsible for RE and Worship, Maths, Music and Computing. I deputise for the head teacher when she is out of school or absent and being a governor gives me the overview of the school that is necessary for that role.

Kathryn McGuiness coopted Governor 28/01/2028

Hello, my name is Kathryn McGuiness and I’m a governor both here at Bradwell Infants and at Bradwell Juniors. I’ve been teaching at Bradwell Juniors for nearly ten years and love every minute of it. Being a governor here means that I have a good understanding of the experiences the children have gained, so that when the time comes to move on they can have as smooth a transition as possible.




Rebecca Sampson - Co-opt Governor, 01/11/2026
I’m Becci, one of the Co-opt Governors at Bradwell Infants school.  I have lived in Bradwell for over 15 years and have a daughter currently at Bradwell pre-school and a son at the Infants.  Supporting the school, education of children and the community of Bradwell is what attracted me to this role.
Outside of this role I run my own fitness business and enjoy exercise and time with the family exploring the beautiful surroundings of Bradwell and the Peak District."
Debbie Hobson - Clerk to the Governors

Governors Attendance 2022 - 2023
