Early Years Foundation Stage
The Reception year is the last year of the Foundation Stage, before children move into Year 1 (Key Stage One).
At Bradwell Infants, we follow the 'Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage' (EYFS). Reception children learn knowledge and skills based on 7 areas of learning.
There are 3 prime areas:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
and 4 specific areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design.
Skills in these areas are taught through active play, practical tasks and finding-out investigations. Children will use paint and play dough, construction, role-play, sand, water, small-world and information technology on a daily basis. They will learn inside and outside the classroom. Creative activities include dressing-up, making dens, constructing imaginary worlds for dinosaurs or mythical creatures, and acting out many stories.
There will be an emphasis on physical activity and talking as they learn. When children are ready they begin to record information and experiences by making drawings and writing letters and numbers. There is strong similarity with experiences and provision in pre-school settings. Children will learn phonics and begin to read and write. They will learn a variety of sorting and counting techniques and begin to calculate using simple arithmetic.