Enrichment at Bradwell Infants
At Bradwell Infants, every child has the opportunity to access enricing experiences through a variety of ways. We work hard to plan for our lessons to be broad and enriching. In addition to this, we organise visits, trips and events to enrich our children's lives and support them in becoming active citizens who contribute positively to the community and society.
Some opportunities are whole school initiatives, while others are specific to year groups, classes or small groups. We have a strong belief that educational visits enhance interest, enthusiasm and achievement for all our children. We endeavour to ensure that all pupils from Reception to Year 2 have the opportunity to make regular visits to the surrounding community and beyond. All visits link closely to the learning happening in school, as well as our core values and beliefs.
We value strong partnerships with parents and carers. There are many opportunities for families to learn about school life and learning throughout the year. Parents and carers are invited to join us for special events such as Harvest, Nativity and Easter, and to support their children in class with enterprise activities that we hold. Other opportunities for parents and carers to join in class activities are encouraged and workshops are held to inform parents about the curriculum in school.
Enrichment Areas
Click on the following four main areas of enrichment at Bradwell Infants to learn more about our approach.