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Attendance Last Week

Target : 96%

Whole School : 97.1 %






😊 Welcome back to school to all our children and families. We have lots planned for this half term. Stay tuned! 😊


Message from Headteacher - Dr Rebecca Gordine 

A very warm welcome to Bradwell Church of England (Controlled) Infant School!
We are the only Infant school in the Hope Valley and have 29 children enrolled.

I am delighted to introduce our school website and hope that you will enjoy finding out more about us.

As you will see from the photographs and information our school is a very happy, friendly, nurturing school, where learning is fun, and everyone works hard to do their best. I am honoured to lead Bradwell Infant School, a school where children and staff aim for excellence in all areas, and I look forward to the next step on our journey.

Children are at the heart of everything we do at Bradwell Infant School, and they experience an engaging, diverse, and stimulating curriculum, high quality teaching and great support for their individual needs. We provide children with a wide range of special events, trips, and visits to inspire and motivate high quality learning.

Our parents are welcomed into the school to help with activities, share their expertise, attend events, and celebrate with us.

I hope that you find the information helpful.  If you wish to visit the school to see us at work for yourself, then please contact the school office and we will be happy to show you around.


Message from the Chair of Governors - Mr Andrew Cowell

It is a privilege to be the Chair of Governors of Bradwell CE Infant School, as we embark on a new and exciting school year.

Our Governing Body comprises a dedicated group of volunteers, with a wide range of expertise and experience. Our sole aim is to ensure that our new headteacher and her excellent staff team have the support necessary to build on the strengths outlined in our recent Ofsted report, drive the school forward and ensure that your children have every opportunity to develop a lifelong love of learning in a happy and nurturing environment.

As parents, you have a crucial part to play in our school community and I look forward to meeting you at school events during the coming year. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding the governance of the school, please feel free to contact me via the school office.


Message from the vicar of St Barnabas – Rev’d Louise Petheram

At St Barnabas we treasure the links we have with Bradwell Infant School, one of 111 church schools within the Diocese of Derby. The Church of England has been providing education in this country for over 200 years. The role of the Church today is to support the headteacher and staff in all they do. 

It is always a pleasure to be invited to share in special events at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, end-of-term and so on at Bradwell Infant School. On these occasions, the children’s enthusiasm, confidence and commitment to being the best they can be, is a wonderful tribute to them and the whole school community.

As vicar of St Barnabas, I also have a pastoral care for everyone connected with the school, whatever their faith or none. So please feel free to contact me if I can support you in any way.

Upcoming Events
September 202410/09/2024, 1:48 PM

Back to school

September back to school 2024


Flu Vaccination / Consent form

Contact Us



Attendance Last Week

Target : 96%

Whole School : 97.1 %






😊 Welcome back to school to all our children and families. We have lots planned for this half term. Stay tuned! 😊


Message from Headteacher - Dr Rebecca Gordine 

A very warm welcome to Bradwell Church of England (Controlled) Infant School!
We are the only Infant school in the Hope Valley and have 29 children enrolled.

I am delighted to introduce our school website and hope that you will enjoy finding out more about us.

As you will see from the photographs and information our school is a very happy, friendly, nurturing school, where learning is fun, and everyone works hard to do their best. I am honoured to lead Bradwell Infant School, a school where children and staff aim for excellence in all areas, and I look forward to the next step on our journey.

Children are at the heart of everything we do at Bradwell Infant School, and they experience an engaging, diverse, and stimulating curriculum, high quality teaching and great support for their individual needs. We provide children with a wide range of special events, trips, and visits to inspire and motivate high quality learning.

Our parents are welcomed into the school to help with activities, share their expertise, attend events, and celebrate with us.

I hope that you find the information helpful.  If you wish to visit the school to see us at work for yourself, then please contact the school office and we will be happy to show you around.


Message from the Chair of Governors - Mr Andrew Cowell

It is a privilege to be the Chair of Governors of Bradwell CE Infant School, as we embark on a new and exciting school year.

Our Governing Body comprises a dedicated group of volunteers, with a wide range of expertise and experience. Our sole aim is to ensure that our new headteacher and her excellent staff team have the support necessary to build on the strengths outlined in our recent Ofsted report, drive the school forward and ensure that your children have every opportunity to develop a lifelong love of learning in a happy and nurturing environment.

As parents, you have a crucial part to play in our school community and I look forward to meeting you at school events during the coming year. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding the governance of the school, please feel free to contact me via the school office.


Message from the vicar of St Barnabas – Rev’d Louise Petheram

At St Barnabas we treasure the links we have with Bradwell Infant School, one of 111 church schools within the Diocese of Derby. The Church of England has been providing education in this country for over 200 years. The role of the Church today is to support the headteacher and staff in all they do. 

It is always a pleasure to be invited to share in special events at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, end-of-term and so on at Bradwell Infant School. On these occasions, the children’s enthusiasm, confidence and commitment to being the best they can be, is a wonderful tribute to them and the whole school community.

As vicar of St Barnabas, I also have a pastoral care for everyone connected with the school, whatever their faith or none. So please feel free to contact me if I can support you in any way.

Upcoming Events
September 202410/09/2024, 1:48 PM

Back to school

September back to school 2024


Flu Vaccination / Consent form

Contact Us



Attendance Last Week

Target : 96%

Whole School : 97.1 %






😊 Welcome back to school to all our children and families. We have lots planned for this half term. Stay tuned! 😊


Message from Headteacher - Dr Rebecca Gordine 

A very warm welcome to Bradwell Church of England (Controlled) Infant School!
We are the only Infant school in the Hope Valley and have 29 children enrolled.

I am delighted to introduce our school website and hope that you will enjoy finding out more about us.

As you will see from the photographs and information our school is a very happy, friendly, nurturing school, where learning is fun, and everyone works hard to do their best. I am honoured to lead Bradwell Infant School, a school where children and staff aim for excellence in all areas, and I look forward to the next step on our journey.

Children are at the heart of everything we do at Bradwell Infant School, and they experience an engaging, diverse, and stimulating curriculum, high quality teaching and great support for their individual needs. We provide children with a wide range of special events, trips, and visits to inspire and motivate high quality learning.

Our parents are welcomed into the school to help with activities, share their expertise, attend events, and celebrate with us.

I hope that you find the information helpful.  If you wish to visit the school to see us at work for yourself, then please contact the school office and we will be happy to show you around.


Message from the Chair of Governors - Mr Andrew Cowell

It is a privilege to be the Chair of Governors of Bradwell CE Infant School, as we embark on a new and exciting school year.

Our Governing Body comprises a dedicated group of volunteers, with a wide range of expertise and experience. Our sole aim is to ensure that our new headteacher and her excellent staff team have the support necessary to build on the strengths outlined in our recent Ofsted report, drive the school forward and ensure that your children have every opportunity to develop a lifelong love of learning in a happy and nurturing environment.

As parents, you have a crucial part to play in our school community and I look forward to meeting you at school events during the coming year. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding the governance of the school, please feel free to contact me via the school office.


Message from the vicar of St Barnabas – Rev’d Louise Petheram

At St Barnabas we treasure the links we have with Bradwell Infant School, one of 111 church schools within the Diocese of Derby. The Church of England has been providing education in this country for over 200 years. The role of the Church today is to support the headteacher and staff in all they do. 

It is always a pleasure to be invited to share in special events at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, end-of-term and so on at Bradwell Infant School. On these occasions, the children’s enthusiasm, confidence and commitment to being the best they can be, is a wonderful tribute to them and the whole school community.

As vicar of St Barnabas, I also have a pastoral care for everyone connected with the school, whatever their faith or none. So please feel free to contact me if I can support you in any way.

Upcoming Events
September 202410/09/2024, 1:48 PM

Back to school

September back to school 2024


Flu Vaccination / Consent form

Contact Us



Attendance Last Week

Target : 96%

Whole School : 97.1 %