FOBS (Friends of Bradwell Schools)

Charity no. 1108109

FOBS (Friends of Bradwell Schools) is our Parent Teacher Association – a fundraising committee set up to support both our village schools.

The schools have a limited budget and cannot always give the children all the experiences and buy all the equipment that they would like to. We try to help with this. The money we raise has been used for playtime toys, ingredients for cooking, science equipment, sports equipment, software and many other things. We also provide funds for school outings, the Christmas parties and support both schools by providing and serving refreshments at key events.

Our recent fundraising events have included:

  • A curry and quiz night.
  • The Easter fair and raffle held at the Infant School.
  • A leavers disco.
  • The village street fair during carnival week.
  • A share of the carnival collection.
  • Bags 2 School.

We are always open to new ideas and extremely grateful for help so if you would like to help in any way please come along to our meetings and join us. You will be made to feel very welcome. Details of meetings are usually mentioned in school newsletters, on the white board in the Infant School and sent out by text message from the Junior School. We also have an email list which you can join to keep you up to date with FOBS events or news, or you can look at our facebook page.

If you would like to get involved please speak to any member of staff at either school who will be able to put you in touch with a committee member.

Bradwell Wildflowers

Remembrance Day 


Bradda Dads

Bradda Dads is an organisation open to fathers in Bradwell having sons / daughters and who live in the village. 

Their objective is to raise funds for and provide assistance to people or organisations within the village, where needed and for the general benefit of the village.

Bradda Dads organise competitions for the children e.g. Design and make a Guy for Bonfire Night, design Christmas cards to distribution to the village. They also provide an opportunity for the children to make a contribution to the community e.g. singing at the pensioners Christmas dinner.

If you would like to know more about BRADDA Dads you will find them at:-